Wednesday, April 18, 2012

When We Meet


How are you doing? In November, 2011, I forwarded a letter to you through LifeLink, It was to reach out and introduce myself to you. I hope you received the letter that was written to let you know I respectfully keep your loved one in my memory.  When we meet, I hope you will tell me about this special person.

I don't take anything lightly. Most times, I feel like a no nonsense beginner in a lot of things because I look at things so differently -- with a new appreciation.  I have stepped out of my comfort zone and don’t know how I really got here.  None of this could be possible without the love from the heart I now have.

Because of my immense gratitude and a promise to God to help educate people about heart disease, I have written a book that was published in January, 2012. So during February - Heart Awareness Month I had 18 speaking engagements at schools, civic organizations and churches to try to give back to the community.  My wife joins me at all the functions and helps with printed materials.  If we meet, my wife will be with me and she can share how hard we work to make a difference.

At this point, the book which is dedicated to the memory of my donor and their family has reached approximately 500 people.  This opportunity to help others is coupled with my prayer that God strengthens our families to do His will. And that His spirit continues to give us inner peace.

Thank you for your time.  I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you.

Yours truly,   

~Coach Chip

"Giving a gift from the heart requires that you don't look for anything in return. "    

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