Thursday, November 3, 2011

One Year Ago Today - November 3, 2010

TODAY 11-2-2011 IS MY SECOND BIRTHDAY!!  In the early morning hours of November 3, 2010, I was taken to surgery for the transplantation of a new heart.  This surgery was just three weeks after having my chest opened to implant a machine that would pump blood throughout my body (BiVAD).  I remember scribbling notes to my family after the 4.5 hour surgery.  Mostly to have the breathing tube removed.  Hated that thing.  Yet thankful to hear their voices. I remember responding to one of their many questions scribbling, "I'm content."

I am thankful for those of you that sent up prayers for me and my family.  I am still running into people saying they were in prayer for us.  I am thankful for your help during fundraising campaigns or those who just take time to listen.  Remember to take nothing for granted.   As a matter of fact, my wife and I make sure to slow one another down so not to find ourselves "too busy" to be thankful.  

I am filled with eager anticipation to know the family of my donor.  I was told by St. Joseph's hospital officials that it would be one year before I could know (only if they are interested as well).  I want to give them an embrace that speaks volumes.  I wish I knew what to say.  I have had a whole year to rehearse it.  I think when the time comes, we will not have to say a word.  We will notice that from somewhere there will be an overwhelming peace.  That's what I'm hoping will fill the awkwardness.  A God moment where there will be "peace that passes all understanding." 

What would you do with a God-granted second chance in life?  My mission is to share my experiences, information, inspiration and commonalities with others daily.   In the publication of my first book, I will tell about what happened to me and how God allowed me to have  "A Second Chance."

Coach Chip
1 Life + a  2nd Chance = 3rd November

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