Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Can Use Your Help

When I talk with friends, neighbors and family, they hear about my commitment to Chip’n Away at Heart Disease in my own words.  They are inspired to donate to the cause and join me in the fight against heart disease.
This morning, I spoke with someone on the phone wanting to know how he can help. He asked “what really happened to you?”  I recall saying “I don’t want anyone to have to go through what I went through.”  There.  Now I said it.  This is my goal when at speaking engagements, the grocery store or even at Lowe’s and somebody stops me.
·        To tell the story in a way that I honor the organ donor, motivate the listeners to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not be in denial regarding health issues and to bring awareness that there is help out there.
      Often I see people who don't quite know what to say about my struggle to survive.  Whether they think it is too personal or they didn't communicate with me or my family AT ALL during the ordeal and can't figure how they will be received now.  Let me tell you - there is a work that has been done on the inside.  Where you can't really see.  I am different mentally, physically, and spiritually.  You will be warmly received from the bottom of my new heart. 

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